Interview with HITLAB on Medical Data Infrastructure, Automation and AI

August 14, 2023

In this video interview with HITLAB at Columbia University in New York, Hexoskin's CEO Pierre-Alexandre Fournier discusses how fundamental building medical data infrastructure was to enable automation and AI - tools to make healthcare delivery more efficient and more accessible.

The lack of electronic medical records and data standards has slowed progress in digital health and AI in the 2000s and 2010s. Today the infrastructure is ready to make data collected by patients actionable and valuable.

This new IT environment (EHR/EMRs, broadband, FIRH, HL7, smart phones, and wearables) accelerates automation and AI development, digital biomarker discovery, personalized medicine and new health prevention services.

Hexoskin is building on this infrastructure to offer high-resolution vital signs monitoring with Hexoskin and Astroskin wearables, apps to collect patient reported outcomes and events, could storage, data automation and cohort management.

Please reach out to see how Hexoskin can help.